Google Places Autocomplete for Xamarin.iOS

Platform: Xamarin iOS

Language: C#
Github Repository: Xamarin.iOS.GooglePlacesAutocomplete

Whilst I was working on a larger project working with Xamarin, I had the need for a google place search. I had previously used a very good Swift example but I couldn't find anything that worked quite as well for Xamarin iOS. So I set about the task of creating a library of my own, which I would also be able to share with the community.

This happened to be the first time I'd created a reusable library, and also the first time I'd published anything to the NuGet gallery. In my GitHub repository I included two example iOS projects to demonstrate using the Places View Controller both 100% programmatically, and using Storyboards (iOS Designer).

I'm really pleased with the result, and I continue to maintain and support the library.