switchOUT: Android Puzzle Game

Platform: ANDROID
Type: Puzzle Game
Language: Java
Store Listing: Google Play Store Listing

switchOUT was the result of my first, committed effort to create a working piece of software. My adventure in coding originally began when I became enamoured with the idea of developing my own mobile apps, and so shortly after picking up the basics of programming (and I deeply thank the mother of all how-to books, 'Beginning Programming With Java for Dummies' by Barry Burd for getting me started), I threw myself in at the deep end. A File>New later, I was learning everything I could about Android.

It took me a good few months to create the simplest of games, but the result was a (so-far) bug-free puzzle game which utilized and included in-app purchasing, AdMob monetization, Analytics, Social Media APIs, SQLite tables and a pleasant UI.

Whilst it isn't the most complicated app ever made, it gave me the confidence to know that I could build mobile apps from the ground upwards, so it will always be my favourite.